Thursday, October 20, 2005

“ Where does a thousand pound Sea Lion sleep”

Newport Beach's "BIG DEAL".

Its old news about the Sea Lions in town. It’s not legal for us to shoot them or cattle prod them. So, what’s the answer to keeping them off our boats? You can do nothing and hope they don’t see your boat.

Another option is grab some trash out of the yacht club trash bin, although not sure how this will hold up in next months north winds. I can see all the lawn chairs floating out to sea and all the wood platforms taking out a number of props. This is not the answer

I also noticed custom woodworking, kayaks, iceboxes, fenders; milk creates, lots of lines and knots, spikes, drugged pongee sticks, and nets. Maybe we should place shock collars on them? It’s starting to look like Friday trash pick up day out on the moorings. SO, What’s the answer?

This is the answer, interesting that two brothers with the last name Seals came up with the best answer. Dan and Bill Seals went to their local canvas shop and purchased the meshed nettings used for windshields to cover the swim step and cockpit of their boats. It looks great and works. “This is how you solve the problem,” I’ve read that an upside down plastic carpet mat will work in the cockpit.

Before the winter storm come through this season let's bring in our trash cans and make our town look better. What's the positive part of all this is? The sea lions are the only ones doing something about the derelict boats on the moorings.

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