Friday, November 18, 2011

Rhine Update - Week 16

Hi Everyone,

I thought I would end my weekly updates with a final list of Interesting Facts about the project.  To me, they truly represent the collaborative and teamwork approach from everyone involved to ensure things went as smoothly as possible. 

But, before I do that, I would like to thank a few people who helped make this project a success.  They are (in no particular order):

1.     The entire team at Anchor QEA, including Steve Cappellino, Michael Whelan and Rob Walker.  Rob did a remarkable job keeping the ship afloat managing the day to day operations in the field. Well done!
2.     The entire team at Dutra Dredging, including Steve Hutchison, Andrew Hunt and Scott McIvor.  Their efficiency, professionalism, and public awareness were noticed by all, therefore positively affecting the overall outcome of the project.
3.     Jesse Salem and Bruce Inlow at Bellport / Newport Harbor Shipyard were instrumental because of the large number of vessels that are under their control.  In total, they relocated 143 boats in an orchestrated ballet each and every week.
4.     Lastly, and most importantly, the individual Rhine Channel property owners who took ownership of the project through every stage.  Without everyone’s help, understanding and patience, this project would not have been successful.  Thank you!

Now, on to the final list of Interesting Facts:

1.     The attached figures (preliminary draft) show the exact depths to which the Rhine was dug through the use of colors.  You’ll notice about 5 areas that are much deeper than the surrounding areas.  This is where we had to “re-dredge” in order to chase the contaminants deeper than expected.  The figures create quite a mosaic so that we can now see the exact depths of the channel.

2.     Approximately 250 boats were relocated throughout the project, including 143 from Bellport alone.

3.     123 piles were removed and replaced.

4.     90,000 cubic yards of sediment was delivered to the Port of Long Beach.

5.     The tug made 105 round trips to the POLB.

6.     The tug traversed through the harbor at least 400 times if you consider the hauling of full/empty scows back and forth to their mooring areas, along with the other ancillary equipment moves.

7.     There were no accidents on the project.

8.     Approximately 98,000 gallons of fuel was used on the project, with the bulk of that for the tug boats.

9.     3 Permits were required (Coastal Commission, Army Corps and the Water Board).

10.  The Mitigated Negative Declaration took about 9 months to complete from start to finish.

11.  About 25 legal agreements had to be executed between the City and the private property owners along the Rhine.

12.  Approximately 200 water quality samples were taken throughout the project.

13.  Approximately 200 sediment “grab” samples were taken, and about 75 sediment cores were collected to analyze post-dredge contaminants.

14.  For the first 3 weeks of the project, there was daily contact with at least 5 different harbor user groups to coordinate the major end-of-summer sailing regattas, including the Sabot Nationals.

15.  A brief history of the project’s evolution:

A.     Studies first started in 2002-2003 by Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP) and Coastkeeper who found sediment toxicity and elevated metals, pesticides and PCBs in the Rhine.
B.     In 2005, SCCWRP, Coastkeeper, Anchor QEA and the City teamed up to write a water quality grant request for money to conduct a feasibility study to find a solution for the sediments.
C.    Between 2006 and 2009, the City looked at several options for contaminated sediment management including the use of an upland landfill or a Confined Aquatic Disposal site, but both were too expensive.
D.    In late 2010, an option at the Port of Long Beach for disposal was finalized, and the City started preparing the necessary engineering and permitting studies.
E.     Dredging began in August 2011 and ended in November 2011.

This concludes my regular updates.  Once again, thank you for your patience and cooperation! 

And now, just think, when we start dredging the Lower Bay in the next couple months, the Rhine folks won’t be impacted – what a relief!!

Thank you, 

Chris Miller
Harbor Resources Manager
(949) 644-3043  *

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